Contact Me

Many thanks for stopping by.  Just some housekeeping points:

1.  Thoughts on the blog design, suggestions for future posts, and any other feedback are greatly appreciated.

2.  Though I am a lawyer, I don’t practice and don’t plan to again anytime soon.  So you definitely don’t want me to be your lawyer.  Thus, nothing on this blog should be construed as legal advice and any communication between us does not constitute an attorney-client relationship.

3.  If you do send me an email, I reserve the right to quote your email on the blog, unless you explicitly ask me not to.  If I quote your email, only your first name or first initial will be used. Your contact information and full name will not be revealed unless you specifically ask for its inclusion.  I will do my best to respond to all emails as promptly as possible.

Please feel free to reach me here.

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