I’ve felt a bit overwhelmed lately. I haven’t been any busier than usual but I was spending too much time on minutiae and not enough time on important goals. Once I recognized I was out of balance, I eliminated and/or readjusted my time commitments. Though I’m still busy, I’m a lot more enthusiastic now and […]
About sherpa
sherpa has written 5 articles so far, you can find them below.

Should I Go To Law School?
A family member recently asked me that life-changing of all questions, “Should I go to law school?” I wanted to shout, “No, are you crazy? Why would you do that to yourself?” I caught myself though and tried to answer the question calmly. I am sure that most lawyers have heard this question multiple times. […]

Base Camp
Since this is the first official post of Paths Up the Mountain (“PUTM”), I felt Base Camp was an appropriate title. You can read Why Paths Up the Mountain? and About the Sherpa to learn about PUTM’s genesis. At its core, PUTM’s mission is providing information and inspiration to those navigating career and life transitions. […]