About the Sherpa

Most recently, I worked for one of those investment banks excoriated for causing the global financial crisis. And in case you were wondering, it is still around.  Before that, I did a short stint at a law firm immediately after law school.  Partly out of curiosity and partly out of the realization that practicing law was maybe not for me, I also completed a summer internship with a management consulting firm during law school.  I have been and continue to be affiliated with various non-profits/think-tanks and actively participate in undergrad, graduate, and law school alumni groups.

I have decided to keep my identity anonymous for now.  As a result,  I may alter details of experiences I share to preserve my anonymity or that of others.  Hopefully, this decision does not detract from the value of the information that will be shared on PUTM.

I am an inveterate explorer that is passionate about pursuing new challenges, experiences, and knowledge.  I am convinced that I will reach my life summit largely by helping others reach theirs, and that is why I have embarked on this journey.  I hope our paths cross on the way up. I hear it’s a great view at the top.

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